Dr. Eleanora I. Robbins
United State Geological Survey
956 National Center
Reston, VA 20192
Sandra L. McSurdy
Department of Energy
Pittsburgh Research Center
P.O. Box 10940
Pittsburgh, PA 15236
Timothy D. Craddock
West Virginia Division of
Environmental Protection
Office of Water Resources
1201 Greenbrier Street
Charleston, WV 25311
This Web Page is updated and maintained by Timothy Craddock. It was last updated on February 21, 2001
956 National Center
Reston, VA 20192
Dear Kids, Teachers, Parents, Guardians, and all Concerned Citizens:
This is a prototype for a new book we want to write for kids. This is the First Draft and we want kids to help write it. If they do, their names and comments will appear in the book. The deadline for submissions is March 2001. Right now, we would love to hear your questions. What questions do you have about acid mine drainage, colors in the water, critters in the water, or any other water quality questions? Our addresses are on the cover page. Please write or e-mail nrobbins@usgs.gov with your comments or questions.
My sister and I wrote a science book for kids in 1992. (It is now out of print by the federal government and only available from Colorado School of Mines.) It is called "What's Under Your Feet?" We talked to many scientist while we were writing the book. One fascinating finding was that most scientist find their vocation (what they would like to do when they grow-up) by age 8 or 9. This means that, when they were children, they were making observations about their environment. These observations were so powerful that they formed the basis for understanding how the world works. Now, everyone is not going to become a scientist. But everyone is going to enter the job market. It is my opinion that environmental clean up is going to provide many jobs in the future. I think that if we get the kids out and looking and getting dirty now, they will have a body of observational knowledge needed to compete in that future job market.
The kinds of experiments that are laid out here are some of the very things that scientist do when they are trying to understand the natural environment and to help clean up problems left from past activities. The observations that kids will be making will also be helping present day scientists.
These are our thoughts on why we put these experiments together. We are outdoor people, so we have written this for other outdoor lovers. Some of the experiments are also indoor activities. In the next section is a general description of some goals and objectives we hope to accomplish with these experiments. As you try them and invent new ones at home and at school, please keep these goals and objectives in mind, but also keep fun in mind.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Eleanora (Norrie) Robbins
You can use this page by scrolling
to the areas that interest you the most, you can click on the links provided in the Table of Contents, and for even more information you can search the web using the internal web browser. If you would like the complete 'Hands-on Experiments to test for Acid Mine Drainage' for your computer, simply send an e-mail request to Timothy Craddock (e-mail address is on the first page). The document is available in 'Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat formats', please specify which format you prefer in your e-mail request. The document will be sent to you as an attachment by return e-mail. You can also click on the link below to download the Adobe version. Feel
free to send us your comments and/or suggestions regarding this site, or
questions about any of the information contained within.
Download Adobe Acrobat Reader: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
Hands-on Experiments to
test for Acid Mine Drainage (PDF version): http://pubs.usgs.gov/openfile/of00-369/of00-369.pdf
Being "scientific" involves being curious, asking how things happen, and learning how to find the answers. Curiosity is natural to children, but they need help understanding how to make sense of what they see. All we need is a willingness to observe and learn with them, and, above all, to make an effort and take the time to nurture their natural curiosity.
What Is Science? - The Basics
Children Have Their Own Ideas
Hands-on Works Best
Contents | Activity and Page Numbers |
Make your own litmus paper | AMD-Activity #1 |
What is acid and how do you know it? | AMD-Activity #2 |
If your creek water is clear – Is it clean? | AMD-Activity #3 |
Why does acid mine drainage form? | AMD-Activity #4 |
What plants love acid water? | AMD-Activity #5 |
Who is very small and living in your creek? | AMD-Activity #6 |
What is in your creek water? | AMD-Activity #7 |
How many colors does iron (Fe) have? | AMD-Activity #8 |
What is that black stuff on the rocks? | AMD-Activity #9 |
Is the groundwater acid also? | AMD-Activity #10 |
What is the white stuff in the creek? | AMD-Activity #11 |
How can acid mine drainage be fixed? | AMD-Activity #12 |
Using stinky bacteria to treat acid mine drainage | AMD-Activity #13 |
Tips for Designing your own Experiment | |
Resources for more Information | |
Internet links |
The experiments in this site should always be done with the proper supervision from a teacher or parent. Always use caution and the proper protective equipment (Recommendations: rubber boots, gloves, safety glasses) when you are in or around a stream. Additional safety tips are listed below. Always make sure you have permission before entering private property. "Do not go stream collecting without an adult!"
Safety Tips: Always
use the buddy system, have an adult check the stream flow and the stream
bottom for sharp objects, and when wading in a stream, always wear shoes
with rubber soles and good traction. Do not enter the stream if you cannot
see the bottom, or do not enter after a hard rain. Wait for several days
of dry weather before conducting any outside experiment in or around a
stream. Do not go stream collecting without a responsible adult!
The pH of a substance is a measurement (color change or number change) of how much acid or base a substance may contain. Many acids and bases are important to the internal chemical reactions that take place in living things. Most living things attempt to keep themselves at equilibrium (neutral), but this is sometimes very difficult due to the pH of the surrounding environment. As you can see from the picture above, the pH scale (the measure of acids and bases) ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being the middle or neutral point. A substance with a pH of less than 7 is acidic and if it greater than 7 it is basic, also called alkaline. Each time there is a change in pH of one unit, it is the same as multiplying ten times (increase or decrease) the strength of the acid or base. Litmus paper is one way to measure the strength of an acid or base substance. Other ways include, electronic pH meters and test kits that will measure acids and bases by comparing color scales. Check the web site's below for more information.
Tools and Things you will need
Red cabbage | 5 x 8 white card | Plastic sheet to contain mess |
Lemon juice | Vinegar | Blender |
Strainer | Baking soda | Eye dropper |
What to do.
Definition of Litmus Paper:http://www.encyclopedia.com/articles/00085.html
Definition of Acids and Bases:
What is acid and how do you know it?
Robert Angus Smith, an English chemist, was the first to use the phrase "acid rain" in 1852. He noticed that the bricks in the buildings were falling apart, and through scientific experimentation, later found that there was a connection between London’s polluted skies and the pH of its rainfall. Most scientist today agree that normal rainfall is slightly acidic with a pH of 5.6. The rain naturally reacts with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to form a weak carbonic acid. Therefore, scientists define acid rain as any wet precipitation (rain, sleet, and snow) with a pH of less than 5.6. The rain becomes more acidic when it reacts with other gases in the atmosphere such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. These other gases are naturally present in the atmosphere in small amounts; Industrial activities have increased their amounts.
Tools and Things you will need
Bowl | Stirring rod | Measuring cup |
Litmus paper | Miscellaneous substances(1) |
If your creek water is clear – Is it clean?
Studying Aquatic Organisms
Every creek has a different chemistry; Some are polluted others are not. One good way to learn about your creeks chemistry is to study the aquatic life (Macroinvertebrate) in the creek. Biologist and others have collected these organisms from many different places and many different types of creeks. By studying the Macroinvertebrate in the creeks, you can learn something about the chemistry of the water and the health of the creek.
Tools and Things you will need
Gloves | Rubber boots | Fine mesh netting |
Tweezers (forceps) | Collection jars | Litmus paper |
Reference materials |
What to do.
EPA's Macroinvertebrate Identification: http://www.epa.gov/ceis/atlas/bioindicators/benthosidentification.html
West Virginia Save Our Streams Handbook: http://www.dep.state.wv.us/wr/OWR_Website/C_and_D/CandDDocs/wapdocs/WVSOS/WVSOS.pdf
Macroinvertebrate ID Key:
Some Common Aquatic Organisms (Macroinvertebrate)
The aquatic organisms above are generally "pollution intolerant," which means they cannot live in streams that are polluted, even in small amounts. Their presence in large numbers is usually an indication of good water quality.
The aquatic organisms above are "pollution sensitive," which means they can tolerate small amounts of pollutants. Their presence generally indicates moderately good water quality conditions.
The aquatic organisms above are generally "pollution tolerant," which means they can live in streams that have high amounts of pollutants. Their presence in large numbers is usually an indication of poor water quality.
Note: The Macroinvertebrate pictured above are not to scale, meaning they are not the actual size as they will be if you find them in your creek. They are also not to scale in relation to the size differences between each organism.
The Weathering Process
In many areas, acid drainage forms naturally when certain minerals come into contact with water, air and bacteria. This contact and the chemical reactions that take place are part of the weathering process. The weathering of the rocks and minerals in the creek slowly releases the acids, salts, metals and sulfates into creeks, rivers, lakes and wetlands. Weathering is a natural process, but many times human activities interfere and can increase the amounts. When too much of these acids and minerals enter creeks, they become polluted and can no longer support animals.
Tools and Things you will need
Limestone | Tap water | Litmus paper |
Gloves | Rubber boots | Pieces of ore (2) |
Bottles | Rocks or solid materials (1) | Coal chunks |
What types of plants like acid water?
There are very few plants that prefer acid conditions in creeks. However, some plants such as cattails can help to change the chemistry of the water by the uptake of pollutants and trapping of materials with their root systems. (For more examples of acid loving plants check the web site below.) These plants work in cooperation with bacteria in the soil to help improve the condition of the water. Today scientists are testing many of these plants to see how they are able to do this. By learning more, scientist are able to create new environments, such as wetlands, to help improve conditions in acid streams.
Tools and Things you will need
Small shovel or dowel | Litmus paper | Rubber boots |
Gloves | Magnifying lens |
Caution: Some plants have spines or sticky substances to annoy animals.
What to do.
Looking at Bacteria and Algae
Many plants and animals may not like acid conditions, but certain types of bacteria and algae do. These small one celled life forms collectively known as microorganisms, can be very colorful. The colors are a result of the many different types of chemical processes, of which these life forms are capable. For example, Iron oxidizing bacteria are able to "remove" dissolved iron in the water and form minerals that look like rust. Many types of algae and bacteria use energy from sunlight to produce food, similar to larger plants, in a process called photosynthesis. These processes also create changes in the chemistry of the water. The many different types of bacteria and algae produce brilliant colors such as yellow, red, green, brown and even purple.
Tools and Things you will need
Baby food jars | Eye dropper | Gloves |
Magnifying lens | Rubber boots | Litmus paper |
Microscope (if possible) |
What to do.
A creek can carry an amazing amount of chemicals. (One reason is that any activity on the land that surrounds the creek can usually affect the creek.) Some of these chemicals are so abundant that they mask "or hide" what is actually going on in the creek. For example, an abundant amount of minerals, metals, and sulfates may increase the pH of the creek, but when these substances drop out of the water, such as when the water flows over rocks or through wetlands, the chemistry of the creek changes and the pH may actually decrease.
Tools and Things you will need
Gloves | Rubber boots | Litmus paper |
Access to a Refrigerator | Access to a Stove | Hydrogen peroxide |
Small jars (1) |
Iron and the Oxidation Reduction Process
Iron is common element of many creeks, especially in the Appalachian region. Iron (Fe) has many different forms and many different colors. Each color tells a different story about the chemistry of the creek. Iron that is naturally found in the creek normally does not cause problems (it is part of the soil and the sediments), but metals can be increased by human activities to a point where they may become harmful to life in a creek. With iron, red is oxidized and black is reduced.
Tools and Things you will need
Gloves | Magic marker | Rubber boots |
Jars with lids | Shovel | Litmus paper |
Eyedropper |
What to do.
The Manganese Cycle
Finding the minerals that coat the rocks in a creek is a very old profession. The prospectors of years ago used to scrape off the coatings from the rocks in a creek and send them to a laboratory for analysis. These prospectors were usually looking for gold and silver, but many times they found a wide variety of minerals and metals. The coatings and colors on the rocks can usually tell you about the most abundant minerals in a creek. Many times, the color will be caused by the darkest mineral in a creek. Manganese is almost always the darkest color mineral in the creek.
Tools and Things you will need
Rubber boots | Gloves | Magic marker |
Hand lens | Litmus paper | Microscope (if possible) |
String or small rope | Jars with lids | Glass slides |
Other materials (1) |
The surface water, mainly from rain, runs off over the ground and fills creeks, rivers, lakes and wetlands. A small amount of the surface water does not run off, but instead seeps underground. This underground water is called "groundwater." Groundwater fills the spaces that are found in the soil and rocks and eventually flows downhill, just like creeks. The place that the groundwater is first observed as you dig down from the surface into the rocks and soil below is known as the water table. If you live in an area where your creek is acid, most likely the groundwater will also be acid.
Tools and Things you will need
Shovel | Gloves |
Rubber boots | Hollow pipe (1) |
What is the white stuff in the creek?
Both natural processes and pollution can cause foam (white soapy looking stuff) on a creek. It is usually caused by a combination of several different pathways. A simple definition of foam is "A gas (usually oxygen) mixed in a liquid containing some type of impurity." The foam is produced when air bubbles created by water flowing over rocks and over objects, combine or mix with the impurity. Sometimes foams are natural. White colors can tell you when the element aluminum is present, or when sulfur producing bacteria are present. The foam may also be the result of human activities in or around the creek.
Tools and Things you will need
Gloves | Rubber boots | Microscope (if possible) |
Litmus paper | Eyedropper | Shovel or stick |
Jars with lids |
What to do.
How can acid mine drainage can be fixed?
Passive Treatment Methods
Acid mine drainage sometimes forms when certain minerals in the soil and rocks around mines are exposed to weathering processes during mining. These exposed minerals release their contents into creeks causing them to become acidic (lower the pH). Acid mine drainage effects many thousands of miles of creeks throughout the US and around the world. This does damage to the plants and other aquatic life that live in the creek, and makes to water useless or harmful for others who depend on it for recreation or drinking water. Today, many industries use very expensive chemicals and other methods to treat these contaminated waters. However, there are also less expensive methods known as "passive treatments" that can help clean some creeks.
Tools and Things you will need
Compost | Litmus paper | Limestone |
Leaves | Pine needles | Bottles with caps (1) |
Acid water from creek | Cobbles or other natural objects | Gloves & boots |
The Sulfate Reduction Process
As mentioned in the previous experiment, there are many expensive ways to treat acid mine drainage, but there are also less expensive more passive treatment methods. These passive treatments may involve the use of constructed or natural wetlands. In a wetland the combination of the plants, the holding capacity (how long the water will stay in the wetland), the soils, and the bacteria are responsible for the treatment of acid mine drainage. Many times these areas have a "rotten egg smell" which is caused when hydrogen sulfide gas is released through biological reactions that take place in the wetland. This is one way to tell if the wetland is doing the job of helping to treat the acid mine drainage.
Tools and Things you will need
Acid water from creek | Collection boxes (1) | 9 bottles with lids (2) |
Litmus paper | Wetland mud | Shovel |
Yeast | Gloves & rubber boots |
To use the "Scientific Method" you should design an experiment to test your "hypothesis." A hypothesis is a question, which has been reworded into a form that can be tested by an experiment. Your hypothesis should be based on the background information you gathered. Make a numbered, step-by-step list of what you will do to answer your question. This list is called an "experimental procedure". Your procedure should be detailed enough that someone else could do your experiment without needing to talk to you about it. This procedure should include:
Conduct Experiment, Gather Data and Record Observations
As you do experiments, record all numerical measurements made. Data can be amounts of chemicals used, how long something is, the time something took, etc. Measurements are an important part of any experimental science project. Observations can be written descriptions of what you noticed during an experiment or problems encountered. You should be looking for differences between your control group and your experimental group(s).
Two things to be aware of while doing your experiment and making observations:
For more information on designing experiments, see the Experimental Science Projects: An intermediate level guide web site at: http://www.isd77.k12.mn.us/resources/cf/SciProjInter.html
Resources for more information
AIMS Foundation, 1988. Water, precious water: A collection of elementary water activities for grades 2 through 6. PO Box 8120, Fresno, CA
Costen, J. and Hornberger M., 1995. Water Wizardry: A teacher’s guide to classroom activities and demonstrations about water pollution and remediation. US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA (To order contact: Michelle I. Hornberger, 345 Middlefield Rd., MS 465, Menlo Park, CA 94025)
US EPA, 1990. Acid Rain: A Students First Source Book. US Environmental Protection Agency (RD-682), 401 M Street, SW. Washington, DC 20460 (Also available on the Internet at: http://www.epa.gov/acidrain/student/student2.html)
Gartrell, J.E. et al. 1992. Earth – The Water Planet: National Science Teachers Association. (To order: US Geological Survey, MS 950, Reston, VA 20192)
McGee, E. 1995. Acid rain and our Nations Capitol: A guide to effects on buildings and monuments: US Geological Survey, Reston, VA (To order: US Geological Survey, MS 950, Reston, VA 20192)
Robbins, E.I. and Hayes, M. 1997. What’s red in the water? What’s black on the rocks? What’s the oil on the surface (Available on the Internet at: http://pubs.usgs.gov/publications/text/Norriemicrobes.html)
Schrock, J.R. 1993. Surface mining of coal: The Kansas School Naturalist, Vol. 4, No. 1, Emporia State University, 1200 Commercial St., Emporia, KS 66801-5087
Sly, C. 1990. Water wisdom: A curriculum for grades 4 – 8: Publication of the Alameda County Office of Education. (To order: US Geological Survey Library, MS 950, Reston, VA 20192)
Zielinski E.J. 1995. Acid Mine Drainage in Pennsylvania, K-12 Awareness Activities: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Land and Water Conservation
For more information on other types of pollution that affects our waters visit EPA's non-point source pollution web site at: http://www.epa.gov/owow/nps/
Acid Mine Drainage Lessons:
Acid Mine Drainage, the unseen
enemy: http://www.valdosta.edu/~tmanning/hon399/wally.htm
American Rivers: http://www.amrivers.org/mines.html
Aquatic Environments: http://www.boquetriver.org/adoptaqecosys.html
Aquatic Macroinvertebrate
ID: http://www.net1plus.com/users/tdriskell/macroinvertebrates.html
Audubon Society: http://www.audubon.com
A Community Water Quality
Manual: http://www.vic.waterwatch.org.au/manual/
Bacteria in Groundwater: http://www.ce.vt.edu/enviro2/gwprimer/bacteria/bacteria.html
Beech Creek Watershed Resource Links: http://sites.netscape.net/bcwasite/watershedlinks.html
Biological Time-clock Experiments:
Environmental Education: Internet
Resources: http://www.wcupa.edu/library.fhg/recommnd/Environ.htm
Environmental Links: http://www.innovative-solutions.net/links.htm
Explore EE Links on the Internet:
Hydrology and the Water Cycle:
Learn about Wetlands: http://athena.wednet.edu/curric/land/wetland/index.html
Manila Creek wetland treats acid mine drainage: http://manila_wetland.tripod.com/manila_amd_wetland.htm
Microorganisms in Acid Rock
Drainage: http://www/environmine.com/ard/Microorganisms/rleof.htm
Mine Net: http://www.microserve.net/~doug/aciddra.html
NACD Links to Internet Resources:
National Watershed Focus:
Native American uses for Cattails:
Natural Resource Conservation
Service: http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/
NETL Cool Science: http://www.fetc.doe.gov/coolscience/index.html
Passive Treatment Technologies
for Treating AMD: http://www.wvu.edu/~agexten/landrec/passtrt/passtrt.htm
Recycling and Solid Waste
Management Resources: http://wayne-health.org/wc_recycling_info.html
Restoration of a Stream Degraded
by AMD: http://wwwpah2o.er.usgs.gov/projects/amd/restoration.html
Riparian and Wetland Restoration: http://www.denix.osd.mil/denix/Public/Library/Watershed/wqmsec6b.html
Science Made Simple: http://www.sciencemadesimple.com
The Allegheny Highlands: http://www.spies.com/~gus/forests/
The Environmental Education
Network: http://www.envirolink.org/enviroed/content.html
The Young Scientist Introduction
to Wetlands: http://www.wes.army.mil/el/wetlands/ysi.html
US EPA Region 3: Mountaintop
Mining: http://www.epa.gov/region3/mtntop/
US EPA: Browse EPA Topics:
US Fish and Wildlife Service:
US Geological Survey: Educational
Resources: http://water.usgs.gov/education.html
USDA Backyard Conservation:
USDA: Watersheds and Wetlands
Division: http://www.ftw.nrcs.usda.gov/programs.html
USGS: New Techniques to Treat
AMD: http://www.usgs.gov/tech-transfer/factsheets/FS-212-96.html
Water Quality Modules: http://www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/waterq/wqacidmine.html
Watershed Education Links:
Watershed Education: http://stopnpp.com/educate/educate.htm
West Virginia Geology:
West Virginia Rivers Coalition:
West Virginia Save Our Streams Handbook: http://www.dep.state.wv.us/wr/OWR_Website/C_and_D/CandDDocs/wapdocs/WVSOS/WVSOS.pdf
West Virginia Wetlands: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/8003/wvwet.html
WV Division of Environmental
Protection: http://www.dep.state.wv.us/
WV Division of Natural Resources:
WV K-12 Rural Net Project:
WVU: Acid Mine Treatment: